Incredible Benefits of Edukool LMS for Learners, Administrators, and Organization

Benefits of EduKool LMS Software

With the advancement of technology and globalization, a traditional classroom-based learning approach is fast becoming less effective for training a wide learner demographics. This is why more and more schools and organizations worldwide are turning to Learning Management Systems (LMS).

An LMS is a software tool that is used to deliver content and resources to the and user. This learning approach offers classroom instructors with an easy way to deliver studying material while also helping them to effectively monitor classes performance. However, to truly reap the benefits of an LMS, you need to find an ideal product for your needs.

Based on reviews from experienced eLearning professionals, Edukool learning management software is one product that strikes a perfect balance between features and pricing options.

Some of the main features of Edukool LMS include:

  • Digital Whiteboard with an easy to use interface
  • Android App Interface for the learners
  • Real-Time Assessment and Result Publishing
  • Customized Tablets for the learners
  • Social learning to create and enhance an interactive learning experience
  • Homework, Assignments, and Performance Tracking
  • Digital Curriculum Management
  • Broadcast Academic Books (Teachers to Students Tablet)
  • School Timetable Management and Scheduling
  • One Click Attendance Management
  • Classes and Sections Management
  •  Instant Progress Report and Real Time Update to Parents

If you are still not convinced on whether this LMS is right for you, here are just a few incredible benefits of Edukool LMS for learners, administrators, and organizations.


Benefits of Edukool LMS For Learners:

1. Easy accesses to Learning Resources

Since all the information required by users is structured in a very organized manner in one place, it becomes easily accessible to them. Thanks To this flexibility, all learners can access any learning material they need on multiple devices and at whatever time or place they are in

2. Increased Social Communication

Low esteem and shyness among students are one of the main challenges towards an active participation in a traditional classroom. However, with Edukool LMS, the student gets to sit somewhere comfortable with only a screen in front of them which in turn makes them not being shy to express their thoughts and opinions.

3. Access to Different multimedia

Another benefit of Edukool LMS is that it effectively integrates different types of learning resources. Apart from the usual formal training materials, learners will also have access to other additional training resources including videos, eBooks, and interactive PDFs. The educational institutions can be able to create practical multimedia learning content using audio, video, images, and text which all serve as great tools for learning.

4. Access to Visual Dashboards

Edukool LMS comes with visual dashboards from where the administrators can easily track and let their learners know of their learning progress. By being able to track and report relevant information concerning the learner, it not only proves to be a great system for hosting learning material, but also a great tool for a positive impact on performance.

Benefits of Edukool LMS For Administrators:

1. Customized Reports

One of the biggest benefits of Edukool LMS for an administrator is generating customized reports. Some of these customized reports include course overview reports, learner activity, and progress, assessments reports, and course access time logs. Through these customized reports, the administrator gets the chance to evaluate the effectiveness of the online training and afterward come up with strategies to further personalize the training.

2. Bulk Course Uploads

While adding 2-3 users to an LMS may seem pretty easy, imagine how hard it would to upload hundreds of courses to learners belonging to different departments. With Edukool, the administrators will be provided with the option to upload bulk users and their respective courses without breaking a sweat. For example, he or she will be n a position to import all the courses using a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file authored in either Tin, Can, SCORM, or AICC format.

3. Ability to send Customised Emails

Imagine an organization having over 100 people and wishes to impart training in all of them. It would definitely be tedious sending to all of them emails to let them know of their enrollment. However, with LMS an administrator will just have to assign a course to a bulk of users and the course enrolment email mail will be automatically sent to all of them at once.

4. Personalization

Another benefit of Edukool LMS is that it allows complete personalization. This means that the corporate image can be incorporated into the learning system and different elements tailored to the company’s taste. They can be monolingual or multi-language platforms, and what’s more is that the different portals and user Identifications can be created without the need for additional installations.

Benefits of Edukool LMS For Organisations:

1. Reduce Costs on Training

ROI models have shown time and again that LMS cuts down the cost of training more compared to an organization organizing and conducting traditional training. By storing and delivering the training from a single centralized location regardless of employees geographical location, Edukool LMS helps cut down administrative exertion which in turn allows the organizations to save more

2. Powerful Evaluation

Fostering continuous employee development is a prime focus for any organization. As I mentioned earlier, Edukool LMS helps achieve this by generating different types of reports like statistics on who has taken the training and how well they have performed. This, in turn, helps the organization be able to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the training program.


Considering the overall training processes, Edukool learning management system offers so many benefits to learners, administrators, and organizations. From publishing learning courses and tracking learner activity to increasing social communication and boosting employee performance this learning approach offers great support to learning while also saving learning institutions and organizations time and money.